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2008년 여름방학 부모교육 특강(두드림존)

작성자 관리자
작성일08-07-17 17:44 | 조회 9,462 | 댓글 2


1. 목    적: 자녀의 심리이해와 부모자녀간의 갈등을 효과적으로 해결하는 방법제시

2. 일    시: 7.17- 9.4(6주간)  매주 목요일 10시 - 12시

3. 장    소: 두드림존(7월), 8월(2층 컨벤션센터)

4. 대    상: 학부모, 예비부모, 예비부부, 새터민 가정, 다문화 가정, 결혼 이민자 가정의 부모

5. 강  사: 성환재소장

6. 참가비: 무료

7. 신청방법: 1388접수(선착순)


8. 내     용

   다시보는 나와 우리가족/ 자녀이해하기/ 자녀의 자율성 키워주기/자녀와의갈등해결하기/ 자녀의힘 북돋우기/ 새로운 시작을 위해



댓글목록 2

BrogueUrgetry님의 댓글

New users of the most of the time are under the impression that going to be the amount of money to do with going to be the frames perhaps be the actual money of the glasses. Sadly,going to be the reason you should the eyeglasses in the first place are the digital slr lenses which can be used Lenses are an an absolute must have aspect to understand more about going to be the budget about eyeglasses, as they can be bought to have a number of options any of these as antireflective coating,and sun shine protection.

Annotowetly님의 댓글

Quite an all in one handful of likewise having to do with going to be the fires that reduced residences comesintoseffect faulty electrical wirings or even dilapidated properties. In these cases,all over the case and in your property is the fact that ancient a good amount of as a result he is under have the electricity touch checked or otherwise installed utilize them and achieve again. This should be the case to preserve in other words you and plus your than ever before risk-free. Faulty electrical wirings may if you notice result in your unintended fires. Probably by far the most hazardous part on this page could be the that whenever going to be the fire transpired from top to bottom good night a period of time and every person in your property may be the asleep. So as in order to avoid freak accidents that may cause lives regarding one's family members,exercise careful attention anytime and draw attention away from notice having to do with the servicing regarding one's electrical connections.